Initially known as the “Tri Clover” which was named after the brand, these clamps are known as tri-clamp adapter fittings. These are the trademark of Alfa-Laval Hygienic Fittings. This term was used for describing the Tri-Clover 3 part clamps, but it has become a popular way of referring the sanitary clamps. The general applications of these tri-clamp adapter fittings include sanitary fittings that are predominantly used for the food processing industry. This one has its applications in dairy farms, wine farms, and micro-breweries. One of the primary benefits of using the tri clamp adapter fittings is they offer an outstanding connection between the pipes and tubing. Also, they are designed in such a way that they can be cleaned in place. You can easily take them apart for all sorts of additional cleaning and replacement.
tri clamp adapter
Now, apart from the above-mentioned advantages of the tri clamp adapter fittings, what are the reasons to use them for homebrew? The primary reason these fittings are so popular is that they offer a quick and sturdy connection. Also, these clamps are very easy to clean. They come with very convenient options that include MNPT, FNPT, 90-degrees, hose barbs and cam lock ends that allows in easily connecting to the TC fittings along with hose pipes, pipe threads and camlock fittings.
clamp fittings
How do you determine the correct clamp size? The primary factor to determine a tri-clamp adapter fitting is to check out the outside diameter of the tubes. There is a misconception that the outside diameter of the flange is the primary factor to check the dimension of the tri clamps. This distinction is very much important because the tri-clamp flange maintains a standard which is approximately 1/2” larger than the tubes. This is the main reason for confusion. Thus, a tri-clamp fitting with 1.5” will have a flange that is 1.984”. If we consider the flange measurement of 2” tri-clamp match, the newly arrived fitting will be about ½” large.
clamp fittings
One more significant point of confusion comes from the smaller OD tubing. The ferrule of both the ½” and ¾” tubes are the same in dimension. This is also true for 1” and 1.5” tubes because their ferrules are also 1.5” in dimension. There are two clamp sizes for four different pair of fittings. This is why the two pair of different sized tubes is compatible and they can be connected together. The tri-clamp adapter fittings come in three main formats. They are 2-segment (single hinge), 2 segments (double hinge) and a high pressure bolted no hinge version. The single hinge design is the most preferred one for the majority of the customers and they are also considered as very much cost effective. On the other hand, the double hinge version costs a bit more. But the good thing is the double hinge version is much more flexible. Thus, they are easy to install in the tight spaces where the single hinge tri-clamp adapter fittings cannot be used.